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Welcome to the 6th installment of Conversations with Friends,  a blog focused on the enlightening and entertaining conversations I have with an assortment of accomplished professionals, thought leaders, and game changers. And yes, they are my friends, and I am...
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Welcome to the 5th installment of Conversations with Friends,  a blog focused on the enlightening and entertaining conversations I have with an assortment of accomplished professionals, thought leaders, and game changers. And yes, they are my friends, and I am...
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Welcome to the 4th installment of Conversations with Friends.  I am so delighted to share this conversation with you, for a variety of reasons.  Firstly, I always find it so refreshing when I am reminded just how much we can...
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Thursday, January 14, 2016 – It’s sunny and cold in NYC today, not as cold and windy as yesterday when my hat nearly blew off my head, several times! And yes, it’s January and I am fairly certain Winter is...
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  Happy New Year and Cheers to a wonderful 2016! As I reflect upon the conversation I am about to write about, I have to mention how much fun it is to talk with friends about their careers and passions. So...
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Welcome to the inaugural issue of “Conversations with Friends,” a blog focused on the enlightening and entertaining conversations I have with an assortment of accomplished professionals, thought leaders, and game changers. And yes, they are my friends, and I am...
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In the swirling chaos we thrive on in NYC, we (usually) love being part of the perpetual, rhythmic palpable energy that surrounds us.  We fully understand that change is constant.  We are conditioned to ebb and flow as we create...
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It’s Monday, and it’s kind of a dreary, semi-rainy start to the week here in NYC.  One of those mornings where no one seems to have any of their usual vibrant, street-swagger.  It’s definitely a 3 cup morning. As I...
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(Spoiler alert: this is not about baseball) Yes, it’s one of those lovely spring days here in NYC, where the weather is just teetering on the edge of sublime and we could almost forget to even concentrate on work…except for...
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